I am in love . Are you in love ?
Thursday, August 30, 2012
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 2:15 PM,
Secret Love
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
A whisper I heard in a distance
Belongs to the soul I secretly love
Under the northern sky we met
Once a stranger , you my love
You are my secret I keep in heart
You are my whisper in distance call
My secret love I treasure so much
When we are together the secret is no more
I dream of laying in your arms
Sharing our love we hide so true
It's more than attraction between you and me
It's love from heart so pure and true
I have your heart but never your name
You took my soul and made me smile
But my love I don't belong to you
Yet your love made me so complete
Your kiss touched me deep inside
In a place which was forgotten for long
Through friendship , love found its way
I'll love you for ever no matter what it may
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 2:42 PM,
My journal
Thursday, August 23, 2012
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 12:49 PM,
A lonely child
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Stare deeply into her eyes
Realize, the deep pain that lies
Home washed away to waters
Leaving nothing but tears...
There's future with no hope
Only darkness for a lonely child
No where to run and no where to hide
Lost in a world of unknown....
Voice of this child is unheard
No one to hear her cry
Sitting around the flood
Looking at facess , serching for love....
Look deep into the heart of this angel
Can you feel her helpless cry?
Just listen to the voice for once and for all
And you'll find the grief of a lonely child...
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 10:28 AM,
Get together of musaeites '94
It was not easy to organize such a event and on this occasion i would like to extend my thanks to Dilanthi Saluja Abeysundara Ruvini Gamage Anjali Wijayasinghe Nadi Fernando Prageeth Thilini Perera and Niroshini with Pankaja who gave their enormous support to make this event a success.
I would like to thank all the ladies who participated on this occasion and made this a huge success and hope to see all of you and all new comers very soon in the next get together ....
Related: Why I love my buddies
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 10:17 AM,
To my love
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Under the northern light
My eyes met yours
Millions of stars bright so shine
One shines brighter when i think of you
World is beautiful when you are near
Your arms around me i take no fear
You are presiouse my love yet so true
My love to you will stay that way too
Through the sunny days and cloudy nights
I will always stay pure and true
My love for you is never will fade
For it was true love right from the start
With the touch of your hand on me
With wetness of your kisses
The warmath of your smile
And the glister in your eyes
I will love you with all my might
In the days passed by and days yet to come
No one loved me as you did my love
You made me whole and complete
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 12:42 PM,
To my distant son
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
You were once a little stranger to me
You took my heart and my soul
And you became a part of me
Your smiles melt me when I think of you
I want you beside me and near me
But my Son , I don't have the right for you
I want to see you laugh and joke
Distances has become between us
To take you so far away from me
My love to you is pure and true
You have become my precious son
A Son I would love till my last breath
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 11:41 AM,
Why I love my buddies
Monday, August 13, 2012
Kanchana Thenuwara from the Musaeites batch of '94 invited me and my daughters to celebrate her daughter Misha's 10th birthday at the Hotel Galardari on the 11th of August from 6pm to 11pm . I met lot of old school buddies whom i've not met for the past 18 years and it was indeed a celebration to see the old faces. How nice it was to catch up with old memories and the little naughty things we did in school . From the day we left school and now becoming wives and mums have not changed who we were . Every one looks the same and the difference was we had kids running around us.
A very special thanks goes to Kanchana and her husband Dharshana who invited us made this a memorable event.
The batch get together of the Musaeus College '94 batch will be at the Galle face Hotel on the 18th of August 2012. I would like to see all the Musaeites of batch '94 on this day and hope to gather beautiful memories of the past.
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 2:02 PM,
Sharing life and holding back secrets
Labels: Relationship, Sharing
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 1:30 PM,
Hell That We Make
Thursday, August 9, 2012
It was a new experience to me and I liked it . When Hemal came and spoke to me I felt happy and special . He spend whole time with me and by end of the day I fell madly in love with him . He is a businessman and have a modern new car which he gave me a lift to my apartment . We met the next day and before a week he took me to his room where I became a woman by him. It became a habit in my life and one day when he took me to his room there were two of his friends and all three of them had liquor while I prepared them dinner. They were drunk and one of his friends came to me and raped me . I screamed for help but they all laughed and in the end I had to satisfy three men all night long . Those men including the man I loved paid me handsomely for what they took from me by force. That night changed my whole life . From that day on wards I had high demands from men and from other words I became a prostitute .
I was good in what I did and each day I had new customers and they kept coming back . I had so much money that I led a luxurious life . I bought things that could have never been mine . I owned a beautiful house and a new car . I became the master of my own self . I began to have foreigners and they paid me very well . Time passed by me enjoying life and providing my services until one day I got so sick that I was taken to hospital by my maid . After so many medical tests I was confirmed as a HIV positive patient and my whole world collapse on those words . Even i don't know how or when I got it but now at the age of 28 my life is going down the pipes. It was so scary and I missed having a shoulder to cry on or to hold me at my weakest . I'm not blaming anyone for what happened to me but wish thousand times that I knew the difference between love and attraction . I loved Hemal , but he had never loved me only used me for his sexual desires and for his pleasures . I kept on thinking if he had loved me and protected me as a true lover things would have been different , but now it's late to make things right.
We women love to be loved and when men show love and kindness we loose our selves to them and go to any extend to do anything to make them happy . We forget our value as a human and become slaves. Love is a feeling you feel in your heart and not in words . Love is respect and understanding . Love is protecting and valuing . Love is honesty and trust . Mostly love is a strong bond between two heart who will go on a life time journey , loving and taking care of each other .
Lastly I would like to scream to all women to choose your partner wisely or most of you would end up where I am today . Words can't express my feelings of hurt, pain and guilt but I'm paying for my mistakes.
Labels: Women
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 12:41 PM,
Almost famous
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Thanks to S A J Shirazi – a Pakistani blogger that I have my first blog review 'Introducing Sajini Chandrasekera – a love blogger'. He always says "every one need to have a blog or a printing press." I can’t agree more with this axiom of Shirazi. I have started loving my blog and hope to do all what is possible to be a voice that is heard in this din, despite all the noise out there.
And I am thank full to all my readers and those who comment there (also those who lurk around – yes, I know them). Please be with me. Your input definitely makes my blog more respectful.
Labels: Fine Art of Blogging
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 3:56 PM,
Open Letter To Your Husband
Saturday, August 4, 2012
I did my duty as a wife but things change when you treated me harshly and every word that came from you hurted me . I cried , I cried for days and those words always ripped my heart . Every day I became your prisoner and took all your mistreating s because I had to go on for my children . You will never understand how I felt , how much tears I've shred.....How much I felt a lone and frightened. There were times I looked upon you for guidance and strength but you never had time for me and there were so many times I felt helpless . Every thing between us created distance and slowly we began to live in our own worlds. There were many times you said me to leave your house knowing that I have no where to go . Did you ever think how much those words will hurt me or wound me ? Did you ever think that I'm also a human made like you who could feel the pain just like you ? No, you thought I was a woman who can take all your hurting words on me ....only if you knew how much I cried ....only if you knew how much they hurted ....only if you knew that i bared all that because i loved you ....IF ONLY YOU KNEW .
I learnt bitter lessons alone and I don't want to give up my love for you . I loved you once and I still have that love inside me . I may not have given my best but now I know I'm giving you all the love i have for you. I want to be your wife , your mother , your friend and your lover. I know you love to be loved and pampered . I know you love the touch of my fingers on your hair and the little stolen kisses I take from you, but what you never realized was that I like the same love from you . Little touches and stolen glances with secret kisses and loving words are simple ways of making me feel you love me . Like you I love to be loved and feel it but it hurts when you don't love me even a little. When I see my friends and the place they have in their husband's lives I feel sorry for my self , but I never let you know how I felt because I know you would just hurt me words . There were so many things I never told you though I wanted to share every single thing with you .
I never had the freedom to express my self not because you wouldn't listen but because you never made me free from emotional prison you held me in . I want to love you more and I want you to feel my love . I want to be your strength in all hurdles of life . I want to pamper you and care for you . Let me start all over again to gain what I couldn't archive and I humbly request you to love me with all your heart and let me feel it in my blood , veins and body....
I Will Always Love You .....
Your loving wife
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 3:39 PM,
Loving You Silently
Thursday, August 2, 2012
You became my strength
Felt your love for me and care in your actions
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 12:03 PM,