Love chooses you
Saturday, December 28, 2013
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 2:16 PM,
Fading away feelings
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
After all these time I think I'm finally getting over you, letting you go properly. It's strange coz I never thought I'll ever let you go from my heart and soul but finally it seems to be happening. I use to think it was impossible to let some one I loved so much to let go but now it doesn't feel like that any more. You'll always be special to me but those feelings which so preciously I held are fading away until they are a mere a bitter sweet memory. It's sad because every feeling I had for you were really special and true and it's obviously for the best. But it was also true your feelings for me were not that strong and love was not powerful as mine. Now I have found peace with my soul and I'll be smiling at every success of you and I can talk to you just like a friend with out being awkward. Hope we can be good friends like we were once long time ago...............
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 2:45 PM,
Much I knew you
Friday, December 20, 2013
I knew you so much
Because we use to talk
For endless times
Through day and night
I knew the friendship
We shared so deep
You were always there
When I need your comfort
I knew your pain
And the silent tears
For you trusted enough
To share your past with me
I knew your fears
And the darkest shadows
As you helped me to see
That mine was the same
I knew what was important
For I stood close with you
As your every word you share
Was honest as you
I knew your goals
As I listened them all
I felt the enthusiasm
Of the words when you talk of them
I knew your honour
And the manner of wisdom
Because you let me go
When I fell in love with you
And I knew of your love
Which you seldom spoke
You never let me dream
Of a life of us together......
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 5:42 PM,
Through the lingered path
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Paul Young - Every Time You go Away
Moment after moment I linger on the memories of us through the years. Each memory is a blend smiles and some tears, some are precious, some rare and some unforgettable......Yet they all belong to us at one time.
Days, months and years flew apart from us, shedding many tears between yet the love we shared for each other made it impossible to forget and to seek a new love or to dwell our selves in a perfect hide out.
Though our journey was short, it was indeed a beautiful journey filled with love and care. Though the time was numbered it was a perfect relationship and we both felt gifted to have each other. We were each other strength at hard times and we leaned on at moments of weakness. It was sad when circumstances didn't allow us to be together as we expected and with very painful hearts we said our good byes.
Time has passed silently and in every passing time you secretly haunt my mind and the pain of a pouring heart is beyond words can describe. Those passing moments are so hard to bare, as I close my eyes to calm my self, my mind wanders through the lingered path of memories. A path I have yet not forgotten .....a path I dwell on each day ...and path of memories I never want to forget.
Through this lingered path there were many times you cross my mind while your smile haunts my heart, yet I slowly smile as one time of our life we belong to each other. These lingered memories of you, me and us will be what I'll have for you, these lingered feelings will be lingered in my heart for all years to come.
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 1:37 PM,
Miles between
Friday, December 13, 2013
Although we are thousand miles apart
We each seek love to fulfill our hearts
May we never meet in this life
To taste the sweetness of love we share
We may never know how deep our love is
Or how deep our love can grow
I may never see your eyes or the smile
Or may never lie lay side by side
We may never share the love's bliss
By just sharing a simple magical kiss
Your face I love, I may never see
Still we both search for love to embrace
Although our worlds are far apart
We are much close in heart
The need for love is same for us
As these miles pulls us apart.
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 11:43 AM,
Communication in a relationship
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
So many marriages are going through bumpy rides these days due to lack of communication. The life style of people with fast growing pace of technology has made room for very poor communication in marriage. Technology has open it's windows for easy communication through the world but what more important is communication between husband and wife to lead a very successful marriage which is lacking day by day. The first root of poor marriage starts with poor or lack of communication and Elaine Fantle Shimberg, author of Blending Families says "You can't communicate while you're checking your BlackBerry, watching TV, or flipping through the sports section''.
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 5:07 PM,
Those little tears
Monday, December 9, 2013
Little tears sprinkled my eyes, hurting deep inside as I kept staring at those words you sent. Those tiny words played the role of ripping my heart into pieces and aching my soul with pain. We do have our share of little arguments as every relationship but for some reason I was hurt by your harsh words. As I kept staring at your words, tears kept running my cheeks and for some moments I had to close my eyes and and to breath deeply as for the first time you lost your temper with me and I felt so lost for words. I know you didn't mean to be rude but the circumstances around you made you act like that but yet you took your anger on my, heartlessly ....
Every love has it's own beauty and we had ours and talking to each other and texting made it more interesting and loving and as every woman I'm also anxiously waits to hear from you. But if I knew that my frequent texts are irritating you I would have stopped my self from all little things I did. Love should never irritate the person you love or a bother and if you felt it I'm sorry for it but I recall that this was the truth between us.
Those little tears which wet my cheeks held the silent words I wanted to say to you but I kept silent as I know you would not understand the love I have for you, you never did or never will. This is not the first to hurt me or the last but I guess it's time to dry those little tears which have no value in your life. No relationship is worth hanging on when your feelings are not respected and no relation is valued when love and care you give makes the other irritate and loose temper. Toughest lessons always comes with greatest pains and though it's true that we have to depart from each other doesn't mean I stopped loving you but your role in my life has ended but through my life I will carry the memories you gave .....Some times those little tears may fall down on and off just to remind me that you still lingers in my soul.
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 12:07 PM,
Happy marriage through appreciation
Thursday, December 5, 2013
When life gets busy and couples are lost in the daily routines and responsibilities,they lose sight of what it is they appreciate about each other. They take each other for granted and forget to look of what they value about their marriage. Small gestures from a wife that once touched her husband’s heart now go unnoticed while loving words and simple efforts from husband are barely taken as duties. If husband forgets to do his regular routine of taking out the garbage, washing the car, or picking up the groceries he gets verbally wracked. Why is it that married couples remain silent when their partner does something helpful, but they suddenly find their voice when something goes wrong?
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 11:59 AM,