Sajini Chandrasekera

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Happy marriage through appreciation

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When life gets busy and couples are lost in the daily routines and responsibilities,they lose sight of what it is they appreciate about each other. They take each other for granted and forget to look of what they value about their marriage. Small gestures from a wife that once touched her husband’s heart now go unnoticed while loving words and simple efforts from husband are barely taken as duties. If husband forgets to do his regular routine of taking out the garbage, washing the car, or picking up the groceries he gets verbally wracked. Why is it that married couples remain silent when their partner does something helpful, but they suddenly find their voice when something goes wrong?

Marriage is a bond which has lot of basic fundamentals and to make it a success journey of two it is important to understand the little facts which will make a big impact two both spouses. A important fact for a successful marriage is Appreciation and Praise. There is no greater satisfaction for a Husband or a Wife to be appreciated and praise by the person they love. Being appreciated for who you are and what you are by your husband or wife would bring happiness of being wanted and loved and can be shown in either words or action. Each one of us has some thing special in us , some thing unique ,some thing the other can't do and being appreciated and praise for simple things can do wonders in marriage. 

Marriage is not easy to walk as it's a bond between two different individuals but to make things simple you have to do little things which will keep the spark of marriage for many years to come. It is not a difficult thing to appreciate and praise and once you start doing it , with out effort it will come to you. Appreciation makes any one feel  confident and encourage you to do better and it is important to family welfare as well. 

For example if the wife tries a new dish which is her first experiment on a recipe, it may not be perfect but yet she tried her best to make and appreciation is not for the taste but for trying and if the Husband do the laundry on Sunday's make it a habit to Appreciate it as with out you asking he will do it the next week. Some people may not except appreciation or may not look forward to but inside in heart they will love to hear a little word of praise as it's the human nature. Appreciation doesn't mean money but actions, giving a hug and saying thank you will cost you nothing but will gain you every thing you need for a happy marriage. 
Husbands and Wives should be praised regular and should never take one another for granted.

posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 11:59 AM,


At December 5, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Blogger Lahoremassagist said...

Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.Coming together is a beginning,keeping together is progress, working together is success.A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers........

At December 8, 2013 at 11:27 AM, Anonymous Kausar Bilal said...

Yeah, you are right! Without life-long appreciation, we make the relationship as a "for granted one" or a mechanical one, but appreciations keeps the spark alive with the feeling of being loved and wanted.
A wonderful read!

At December 8, 2013 at 11:31 AM, Anonymous Kausar Bilal said...

Yes, appreciation keeps a relationship from being mechanical and sparkless. The feeling of being loved and wanted is something that saves a relationship from "taking it for granted".


At December 9, 2013 at 12:31 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

@ Nayyar Julian ......

Thank you so much for your lovely thoughts and I agree with you. A happy marriage is indeed a combination of two individuals who appreciate each others differences and yet walk the journey together.

At December 9, 2013 at 12:35 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

@ Kausar Bilal......

Thank you for your lovely comments and yes, no relationship should be taken for granted and I believe that both partners should be equally happy in marriage. Appreciating your spouse in little things done to you, to your loved one or community must be appreciated whole heartedly and by doing it a happy marriage is guaranteed.


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