I close my eyes to mesmerize your smile
Your name carved deep into this heart of mine
And you stole my soul with in deep of core
I'll wait for you till the end of time
Every moment with you is precious to me
And every thing about you make my love stronger
Every time you smile , I smile too
You are the keeper of this little heart of mine
I couldn't love any one as I did to you
And you know how deep my love for you
You are special to me my love
Waiting for you is all I want to do
You push me away and it hurt so much
Yet, I want to love you more and more
I'll wait with my love for endless of days
For you to come back and love me more
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 10:38 AM,
Wet Wet Wet Love Is All Around
Ahhh...those love feelings. It was you, who made me filled with love and made me fragile with my own heart. You made my life beautiful and your smiles made me mesmerized you all day. Your captivating eyes had locked my soul inside you and your love made me feel the queen of love.
Your touch on my bare skin, down the spine gave chills on me and your endless kisses on my shoulders and neck made my feelings stronger for you. Your strong arms around me made me feel protected and your constant care made me feel wanted. We kept looking at for endless of moments and I have always lost my self on your embrace. You were my weakness and my feelings for you had captivated me in your love. Your smile had made me complete and every time I hear voice had made me think that I'm listening to the most beautiful music of my life.
We are strong in heart and in mind. Our love is powerful and we are brave enough to stand together How right you are, when you said we can't ever leave each other ever.....You wanted me and my love as much as I wanted you and your love. You made me rediscover my own self and you made me believe in my self. You became my strength and my courage and together we made a great team.
I have no words to express my love to you but you are gift to me from above and we met for a reason. My love and devotion will always be there with you and through all coming years. I will stand with you and for you, I will love you in happiness and will hold you at hard times, I will follow you and guide you when you need a helping hand, I will care for you in pain and will take care of you and love you unconditionally.
Thank you all the smiles you give, thank you for all the time and mostly thank you for loving me. Thank you for the care, thank you for bearing me and thank you for understanding. Thank you for coming into my life and thank you for letting me be part of your life and you.....
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 9:51 AM,

She stood looking aimlessly into the deep blue ocean. Her mind was distracted while her heart was disturbed. The stranger she met couple of days has been haunting her mind lately and though how much she struggles she couldn't get him off her mind. Was it his eyes or was it the dazzling smile which made her look at him or was it his kindness and care which stopped her to look back?
Going through a hard marriage she has lost all faith in love and she simply can't remember how it is to be in love or to be loved. It was a long time that her husband stopped loving her and as a young woman, she still needs a loving man around her to caress her and love her. Her life was like living in a desert and her only companion was the walls of her house.
It was one of the gloomy days that her eyes met his and a smiled curved on his face. It was an innocent smile and she responded. The brief conversation made them both attracted to each other and every passing day went with him on her mind and her on his mind.
With calls and messages a secret affair blossomed and their love for each other was pure and true. The emotional bond which they both had was strong and they both stood with each other at good times and bad. It was love, it was an innocent love but this anonymous love affair made them helpless to go forward. It made them cry for each other and it made them stand strong for each other, but they both knew that they have very little time together.
It was anonymous love affair where no other would understand what they have for each other. It was an anonymous love affair where they were taken for betraying their own. It was an anonymous love affair where no one will forgive, yet it was an anonymous love affair where they both found true peace, care, respect, understanding and above all love.
Still it's an anonymous love affair to the world.....
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 6:55 PM,
Love is a feeling all humans want to feel in heart. They are beautiful when your partner is your best friend, someone you want to keep saying “I love you.” It’s beautiful when you can sit down and have a great conversation about anything and everything. It’s beautiful when their touch gives you the chills and when the intimacy is deep and profound. There are amazing moments to be found in the best relationships. It feels so powerful and so gentle at the same time to be in the arms of someone you just simply adore.
But the deep emotions you get when you are in love are stronger than the physical attraction, even though it needs a strong grip to hold those inner feelings. But the need of the physical relation is a way to satisfy one's self with the person you love and beauty of love can be felt when two bodies become one.
But the emotional bond and the attachments are stronger than physical relation and therefore it is understandable that the heart take control of the body when the cupid hit's its arrow. Love is beautiful feeling and it teaches us a new face of life which makes any man and woman humble. You feel the beauty around you and you create inner happiness where smiles become part of everyday event and life gain strength from love you have inside. Being in love gives ultimate courage for you to do better things and the love you get from your lover makes you on top of the world.
But some people are unfortunate to find their true love when they are bounded with restrictions and responsibilities which make them helpless to be with the person they love. However the emotional ties they carry with the person they love will keep the relationship going with caring, understanding and respect and therefore the love they have will keep them together for years to come.
Love is a miracle which sooth and heals all hearts and when you look into your lovers eyes, you'll see the caring and unconditional love they have for you as eyes never lie and all mysteries of love is hidden in the loving eyes. Ancient kings and great emperors have given up their thrones for women they love and many battled for the women they love and many have sacrifices their lives for love.
We all are slaves of love, who need love to be who we are and what we are and as long as we give love we will receive it.
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 11:42 AM,
Years I held back of untold truth
Dark memories of that fateful night
It took me years to be this strong
And the secret finally to reveal
Walking the night alone with fear
Passing a dark alley in a corner
Standing among the walls in the dark
A masked face of unknown
Pushing into the stony wall
His touch on my body with hunger
Hurting deep more and more
I became his pray in a dark alley
I battled hard to save my self
My screams were just lost of words of pain
The scars in mind of that night
Will hurt me every second of life
Why was I punished, is it for my innocence
Was it because I was helpless
No girl deserve such cruelty of pain
And rape is a crime which cannot be forgiven
It's only me who knows what pain it caused
It's only me who suffered this long
I'm a daughter, sister and friend to someone
And treat as I'm one of your own
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 12:38 PM,
Friday, January 18, 2013
I am Sajini Chandrasekera, Sri Lanks
Contact me here: sajinilakshika@gmail.com
Labels: About
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 3:21 PM,

“Men do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because they quit playing.” ― Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr
Each and every one of us by passes our childhood and walk into adulthood where we expect life to be simple as we experienced. But unfortunately adulthood comes with bundles of worries and complications that we wish million times we were kids again.
Even though we mature in age, we still take that little mischievous kid in us to our adulthood but most of us don't let that kid come out as they think that being adults are to act like adults all the time. But how wrong that is.......
How many of us like to watch the rain fall to the ground or to see the stars in a quiet night or to watch cartoon with kids or simply play with sea shells in the beach? The numbers will be very few as we are running after careers or professions or simply have taken all the responsibilities on our shoulders that we have forgotten to smile, laugh and enjoy the little joys of life.
Let out the little child inside which you were once. Life is hard but tries to see beauty in little things around you,smile as much as you can and do little things that bring out the joy in your heart. Do things which you did when you were a kid and be wild when you feel like. Life is not meant to be unhappy but to feel and enjoy.
We all have something which bring the little kid inside us. What is yours?
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 11:49 AM,
Innocent cry
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
An innocent boy stands alone
An innocent boy stands alone
Tears in his eyes and pain in his heart
No one to hug and no one to love
Between tear drops he tries to smile
Hate and anger blend in his heart
Happiness is a dream always
Crying when he feel hunger in
Does any one really care about
He sits alone, all by him self
Looking at every one around him
No body's child he has become
An Innocent child he is
It hurts deep inside but feel helpless
Wanting love of a mum so dear
Kisses and cuddles he miss so much
Wanting to be some body's child
Photography by Tabish Q. Nayeemi
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 11:10 AM,
My eyes kept looking into the ocean without aim or destination. The sound of the waves crashing on each other are like the echoes from past whispering silently. My mind was wandering into the past, to the memories that made me loose all controls of life.
I still remember the vows we gave each other long time ago. You promised to be by my side, to hold me at bad times and to be beside me at good times. You promised to be with me in sick and in health and promised to love me forever till death does us apart. How I believed in you and your words. How I trusted you to keep your word and how I had faith in you that you'll always be mine for ever.
Read more »
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 1:19 PM,
Alone again
Thursday, January 10, 2013
As night falls down you crept to my memory
As I was taken by your love and smiles
The laughter ,the joy ,the jokes we shared
Just looking at your eyes was I desired
All that is a distance memory
As you walked away from me
I stood alone in this corner of the world
While you said your good bye
Tears filled my eyes as you know
Pain ripped my heart than it can
Life became empty and unhappy
As I stayed lost in my own world
Slowly days passed by to months
And your memory still kept haunting my mind
I don't forget the time we spent together
And I can't let you go from my life
You are a angel I loved so dear
Your smile was the beautiful I've seen
The love and care you gave me so dear
Is now a passing memory in heart
Life was never the same with out you
And I know I 'll never be me again so
With you ,you took a piece of my heart
Just want to let you know that I loved you so
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 11:35 AM,
Our love story began with just being friends and one day that friendship took a turn in a different path as we accidently talked for a long time. It was indeed a wonderful time as you made me laugh and smile throughout. As much as I enjoyed your company I know you also enjoyed talking to me and to an unknown reason I was waiting for you the next day as well. We talked for hours and we both laughed at little jokes you said and you made a habit to make me laugh till tears popped out from my eyes and my tummy crumbled from laughing.
It was more than spending time together. It was understanding each other, caring for each other and silently loving each other. Before I fell in love with you, it was your smile which made me kept looking at you without a wink. It was your beautiful eyes that I got lost every time I saw you. It was your voice which made music in me and it was you I fell in love with. Even though you knew about my feelings you kept quite. Sometimes your silence hurted when I wanted you to express yourself for me but I understood that love should not expected in return, so I kept loving you hoping you would love me one day.
With your experience in life, you taught me little things which matters most and I listened to them with all hearts concern. We both had lot of things in common. We both acted like teens with each other and we both understood each other to perfection. You made lot of faces to me and in return I did the same and some little funny faces ended up in burst out laughs. I was not able to have serious talk with you as you were the most fun filled man I have ever met. All my serious talk ended up in jokes and in the end you beautifully took me out of the blue. I have never felt comfortable in expressing myself to you than any other and you understood my needs, desires and fears and in your own way you helped me to overcome lot of things in life.
Departing from you was always hard but the kisses you gave me made me survive till the next day I saw you. Can you remember how I ask for those kisses which starts from my forehead, then the cheeks and end up on my lips? You never left me without kissing me and in return I kissed your lips slowly. How I embrace myself in your arms and watch you smile down at me. How I felt secure within your touch and how precious every moment was to us.
It’s so hard to forget someone like you who gave so much to remember and so many beautiful memories. It’s hard to let go of a hand which I held so dear and it’s so hard to forget you and move on.With you my whole world collapsed and my heart filled with emptiness. It’s like a void in my life has been created and no matter what I do, I end up thinking of you.
We both new that our journey was short but we never expected it to end it even before it has begun. It was like being waked up from a beautiful dream. That time I spent with you was indeed a dream which deep in heart I will cherish all memories of you. Good byes are always painful and departing from you was a nightmare. You knew that you were my weakness in life and you knew just one word from you can sink me in an ocean of tears and my darling it did. Days and weeks and months made my eyes wet with every time I remembered you . Though how hard I try to forget you I couldn't and finally I came to except the fact that you would never leave my memory or my heart. I have loved you too much to let you go and while letting you go in reality I held you in my heart and in my memories, in a place very sacred where only access is my own self.
No life is a promised journey, but in this short life I wanted to walk with you as far as I can but I was not lucky to have you but I pray some will walk into your life to love you more than I ever did…..and this is my wish for you.
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 6:18 PM,
Last night I dreamt of you my love
Perfect dream it was of you and me
What love we both share
What a pretty sight to see
In your arms wrapped around
And your whispers so tender
A clasp of your hand on me
And felt your warm embrace
This love between you and me
Is a perfect dream to be
A dream blessed with love
And a place we'll be real for ever
I awakened from my dream
But the thought of you stayed on
With me through days and forever
And for once never fade my mind
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 3:59 PM,