Kissing good bye
Friday, September 28, 2012
Labels: Poetry, Relationship
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 10:14 AM,
Help... they need us
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Labels: Ishara Madhushani
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 9:42 AM,
Farewell my friend
Monday, September 24, 2012
You were a friend I cherish so much
Labels: Poetry, Relationship
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 10:26 AM,
To my hero, my first love
Friday, September 21, 2012
Labels: Fiction, Relationship
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 10:12 AM,
I loved her first
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
I loved telling you stories and I loved playing with you . Every spare time I found I wanted to be with you . I've heard that fathers love daughter's and how true that is . My love to you have no words to explain , it was like a magnetic bond which is in heart . Every time you wanted to be in my arms and you wanted me to put you to bed at night . That was a time that we both enjoyed . I read you a story every night and waited till you slept . I kept looking at my beautiful angel and what a wonderful woman you'd be one day. Days turned into months and years and finally it was time for you to go to school. It was the first time you parted from me and your mum and I felt you were frighten , but you were brave enough not to show .
Labels: Growth, Parenting, Teens
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 10:24 AM,
My little world
Monday, September 17, 2012
Another day , another night
Not ending arguments all the time
Harsh words hurt so much
Cruelty in you never seems to stops Read more »
Labels: Poetry
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 11:13 AM,
We all deserve but few get
Thursday, September 13, 2012
LIFE...............What a beautiful dream we all had when we were young . The life we saw was a fairy tale and every one was a prince or a princess and life was all about music and dancing. Life was a beautiful music where only laughter and love existed . Cuddled with toys and dressed in pretty frills , pampered and kissed by elders was life . This was our childhood fantasy of life and slowly with growing up , life began to teach lessons and one by one life gave it's thorns . Life changed its course and began to realize that life was not what it was when we were kids .
Growing up into puberty had it's own experiences and even to this day they are beautiful memories and strong friendships . For most of us life starts at this age where we meet new people and share secrets and have fun . Friends become the center of life , and mischief wrapped in laughter becomes a habit in this wonderful addolence age . The best years of life is the school days and how true it is . Still we remember those lovely experiences and all the fun filled things we did ....
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posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 11:37 AM,
You promised
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
You promised to be with me till the end ....You promised to be my strength at hard times ...You promised to love me till death .....YOU PROMISED ...
I trusted all your words and clinged to all your promises . I gave you my heart which was kept locked . I wanted you to protect it as it was part of you . But , you were selfish to hurt me and use me and when i demanded my heart back , you kept squeezing it till it hurt and pain was covered in tears . What happened to that promise of yours ? What happened for me being the only one in your life ?
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posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 9:52 AM,
How you define love ?
Thursday, September 6, 2012
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 11:00 AM,
Love, and move on
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
My piece on relationship and love and move on earlier appeared at Light Within. Read it here.
Labels: Love, Relationship
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 10:50 AM,