To my little girl ,
I was thinking of you and I closed my eyes just to feel the touch of your body in my arms for the first time . You were so tiny that I hardly felt you . You were the most beautiful baby I ever saw in my life . I always wanted a daughter to be my eldest and my prayers were answered . I was the most happiest man on earth that day and from the very first day of your life on this world I kept dreaming of your future . It was not easy taking care of you and I baby sat you when mummy is busy cooking and I loved those moments . I use to take you out doors and show you little birds and squirrels that played in our garden and the leaves that dance in the wind . The breeze always danced with soft silky hair of yours and flocked to your eyes and the little laughs you gave whenever I took you out doors . You were growing up to a beautiful girl and day by day your baby talk became bold in your own way . You , my angel became my whole world . I loved spending time with you .
I loved telling you stories and I loved playing with you . Every spare time I found I wanted to be with you . I've heard that fathers love daughter's and how true that is . My love to you have no words to explain , it was like a magnetic bond which is in heart . Every time you wanted to be in my arms and you wanted me to put you to bed at night . That was a time that we both enjoyed . I read you a story every night and waited till you slept . I kept looking at my beautiful angel and what a wonderful woman you'd be one day. Days turned into months and years and finally it was time for you to go to school. It was the first time you parted from me and your mum and I felt you were frighten , but you were brave enough not to show .
Once in school I didn't have the heart to leave you with strangers , so I stayed out side the gate for 3 hours and every time I heard a child's cry my heart beated so fast thinking it was my little girl crying . You liked going to school and every day I took you to school and you did very well . With time you entered adulthood and became a very beautiful woman . I knew so many guys were interested in you , but you were my little girl and I was not ready to let you go . We have created a very strong bond between a father and daughter over the years and I taught you almost every thing I knew . I wanted you to be independent a woman , who is capable of doing every thing by your self .
You were a very loving and caring daughter and every one loved you . I use to be with you at late nights when you had exams and you always came to me for help in studies . Some times we use to sit in the garden and watch birds and we both enjoyed those quite moments . You loved nature and that is something I taught you . If you love nature I felt you can love anything in this world . I taught you how cruel this world was and how careful we have to be . I taught you that life is full of hurdles but what's important was to face them and overcome all problems with out running away . I wanted you to be strong to face this world and you showed me that you are what I wanted .
You and I became best friends and you shared every thing with me . Your happiness , your joy and your tears . You looked upon me at bad times I made sure I'm always gonna be there for my little girl . It was your 21st birthday and I had a grand party for you . Almost all your friends came and every one was introduced to me and mum by you , and all among them my little angel spark little a princess . I was so proud of you my Angel .
Time passed by and one day you told me what I had feared all my life . You were in LOVE.....My little girl was in love and it was not easy for me to digest what you said . I was helpless with the feeling of loosing you . Daughters are never meant to stay , when time comes they go to build their own nest , and time for my little angel to leave my shelter has come . You had been wise in choosing your partner and I was happy knowing that he will love you as much as I did . It was not easy to give away a daughter and as to all fathers in the world I had to . You and I both cried on your wedding day . I couldn't imagine walking to my house knowing how empty it's going to be , but happy that you were with the man you loved ....the man you wanted to built your nest with and most of all knowing he loves you as much as I did .
Through all these years I have grown old and day by day my days are numbered . I wanted to write this letter before I leave this world . I wanted to tell you that you were a very special daughter and I was truly blessed to have you , but most of all I wanted to tell you that you are a daughter who is perfect in all the way . You made us proud from all your archivements and you never hurted us from a word or action . You are a daughter that ever father should have and finally I just wanted to say i loved you first and I will always love my little angel ....
Love ,
Labels: Growth, Parenting, Teens
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 10:24 AM,
At September 19, 2012 at 11:11 AM,
Power Angel said...
You made me cry , this is so emotional and you have expressed the deep bond of father and daughter . But all fathers are not ideal and just because you have a child don't make all men a daddy .
At September 19, 2012 at 12:23 PM,
I have no words to express how i felt reading this . My daughter married 5 years ago and i still remember how my husband felt . It took him some days to accept the fact that our girl is happy with another man. This is a must read to all fathers who have daughters , thank you .
At September 19, 2012 at 12:34 PM,
LG said...
Excellent !!! wish i had a daughter :-)
At September 19, 2012 at 12:48 PM,
Thilini said...
You have beautifully touched a fathers love ...well done
At September 19, 2012 at 3:05 PM,
Sreeni said...
No words ...a fathers love is precious to a daughter .
At September 19, 2012 at 4:57 PM,
Deb Sistrunk Nelson said...
Beautiful. Really touches the heart.
At September 20, 2012 at 11:19 AM,
Unknown said...
Thank you all..... A father's love is unique in it's own way and i'm happy that this touched many hearts . This the way a father feels towards his daughter. I think that no man's love can be equal to a love of a father .
At September 21, 2012 at 10:22 AM,
Kausar Bilal said...
A beautiful post that brought tears to my eyes...You described a dad's love for his daughter perfectly well. I remember one of dads who used to pray that God bless her daughter with a husband who could love her like the dad. And, finally the prayer was answered.....Lucky daughter!
At September 21, 2012 at 1:20 PM,
Unknown said...
@ Kausar Bilal....
Thank you for your wonderful comment. A fathers love cannot be compared to any love in the world and its always a daughters dream to marry a man just like her dad ...guess that girl was very lucky :-)
At October 9, 2014 at 2:43 PM,
Unknown said...
oh my god....its as if u opened my head n read my brain. each n every line i cud relate it, with the feelings when my daughter was born...uptill her teens. and i can already know n feel wat i will feel when she is ready to leave my embrace. thank you so much Saju.....tat was simply so enchanting and real. and though i feel happy....ur write-up did make my eyes water. u truly hav a divine talent in writing. god bless.
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