Farewell dear freind
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Dear Bhanu.......
Through the passing years and under the wings of Young Asia Television you became a friend at heart to all fellow colleagues. A character which was unique in it's own way and a personality which encouraged each and every one around you to be humble and devoting as you are.
It was a great shock to hear of your departing and still we all struggle overcome the pain and loss which you silently left us with. Your life was destined to be short but the memories you left us with will remain with us forever. You were a very simple yet humble human, who with out thinking would stretch your arms to help another and shade another under your wings. It was not money you earned in the short lived years but people filled with memories, who silently wept at your departure. You were easy to love and too comfortable to be with. You were the big brother to all youngsters, a dear colleague to all around you, a teacher to students, a producer, a make up artist,a director, a photographer and mostly an amazing friend. You were born with unique talents where you were awarded prestige wards for his endless contribution for cinema,stage and television. It's not only people around you but people who knew you even for a short period of time and some who never knew you but heard of you, flocked around you today to pay their last tribute of good bye. Every heart silently mourned while every eye was wet with tears as every one had a precious memory of this by gone friend.
Let us humbly pay our last respect to you dear friend as this day we have gathered with hearts filled with memories you left us with. Though your journey was short , you lived your life for the fullest. We will miss you every day and your smiles will linger in our hearts forever. Every life has it's end but only few will make their stay memorable and you are one of the few unique humans who have placed your own significance for us to remember in all coming years.
May attain Nirwana .........
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 10:42 PM,
Fascinated heart
Monday, June 24, 2013
From the moment you walked into my life, I never wanted you to leave. From the moment I talked to you, I knew you was what I'll need. From the moment you was mine, I knew I finally had my chance this time. I can't remember life without you and I never want to.
People may think you not perfect but in my mind you're beyond perfect and when I'm able to look into your eyes and see the real you. Having your arms wrapped around me because you cares more about me than anything, the way you say I love you and those cute little inside jokes nobody else would understand the way you giggles at my jokes even when they aren't even funny or the way you talks to me makes me realize how much I means to you. Your flaws make you perfect and when I'm around you I feel like everything's okay again and you the solution to all my problems.
Every time I say I love you... I'm really trying to say so much more than those three little words. I'm trying to say you mean more to me than anyone else in the world. I'm trying to let you know that I adore you and that I cherish the time we spend together. I'm trying to explain that I want you and that I need you and that I get lost in wonderful thoughts every time I think about you. And each time I whisper I love you, I'm trying to remind you that you're the best thing that has ever happened to me
There's this place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your kisses still linger, and your whispers softly echo. It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me. I don't know what they are called, the spaces between seconds, but I think of you always in those intervals.
To see you smile, brings happiness to me, to hear your laughter is melody to my ears and to have you as mine is a blessing.
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 6:00 PM,
Lingered feelings
Monday, June 17, 2013
My eyes felt so impatient to see you after so many days and the heart has been ripped, while the eyes were filled with tears with the pain of missing you even for a short period of time. I never knew your love can make me so vulnerable and fragile but the power of your love has taken me to great ecstasy filled with passion and desire and love. The moment our eyes met after the short period of absence made me locked in it's embrace and slowly I closed my eyes to feel your presence in side my heart. As I opened my eyes, you smiled and we locked our selves for a long period of time in silence......just hearing each others breaths.
I wander to find answers to questions which God only can answer and I kept asking you what made me love you so much or why I choose to make you my partner and once you told me it's destiny for us to find each other and that we are meant to be. Some times we have no hope what tomorrow may brings or what the future holds for us, but I know that you will not leave me alone. Some times we may part but every single day we will be thinking of each other and the most precious stolen moments we have shared. I have so many memories of you and the most I treasure is the heart melting smile of yours and secret glances you give me between your work or the funny faces you put to make me smile or the time you relax with your cigar and keep looking at me. Every thing about you is safely en carved in my heart and soul.
As I embraced my self on your chest, you looked at me with the most emotional feelings which was lingered with love, care, respect, desire and trust. You looked at me for a moment and slowly uttered the words of love and how much you wanted to kiss me with deep feelings , just to let me know how much love you have for me......Those words from you lingered very deep into my heart as it was so powerful and slowly I murmured that I'm nearly tears and you smiled. It's not every day you meet your soul mate but for some reason we are soul mates. We have amazing way of communicating through telepathy and even though you are not with me your love I feel deep, with the special tender forehead kisses which is magical at hard times and the concerns of care when I'm emotionally need your support.
Our feelings were lingered from the beginning of our friendship which made us slowly walk this path of love. As you slowly hold my hand and together we will walk our selves to an unknown destination of future but the faith I have is that you will walk with me until the end, because though we are two individuals we are bonded as one soul. We are one in heart as we synchronize the same feelings and emotions together. We are lingered ever and forever ........
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 5:51 PM,
Whispers of love
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Celine Dion - Because You Loved Me
Just three little words, don't seem like enough to express my love for someone who smiles to brightens my day, whose touch can make me forget the rest of world, They don't seem like enough, for someone who always been there to celebrate with me, when everything goes my way. My days get better by talking to you, saying I love you is what I like to say. If we broke apart I wouldn't know what to do, but being with you is a miracle that I say every day
Every woman's heart has different instructions. They're written through her eyes, in her smile, through her actions and in her tears. She just has to find someone who cares enough to read them and to me I found you. I found the love I searched for in you and mostly I found my soul in you.
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 6:20 PM,
The way we were
Friday, June 7, 2013
I looked back the path we were once
How endless time spend in your arms
I looked back the path we were once
How we wondered about the future together
I looked back the path we were once
How happy we both had been
Now I look the path we are
And I find I'm with another
These are newly bloomed in heart
Yet, not for you as you are no more
I never dream a day like today
I never thought I would this way
Now I stare into different eyes with love
And dream the way we use to be once
I look back the path full of memories
As tears filled my heart
I look back the path we once walk
Which is now just a remaining memory in heart.
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 5:57 PM,
Wished life
Monday, June 3, 2013
I just lay on my bed starring at the silent ceiling above. What and how are still unanswered questions and I still can't believe that my life journey has come to an end. It is not life it self which is hard to leave,but the man who was behind my life,the man who gave me smiles and the man who made me his.
My life was just swaying it's way till you came and made me part of your life. You gave a meaning for me to live and reason for me to smile. You made my world shine with your existence and made my whole life glow with your unconditional love. Life was perfect as a dream with the fragrance of your love around me and it was a beautiful fairy tale in reality.
But, how fast the volcano erupted in my life leaving it's traces of agony and pain behind. Within minutes my whole world collapse and it was so hard to accept the truth of death. Death is the only fact of truth we bring with birth but dying at a young age and leaving every thing and every one behind is the hardest thing of all.
Leaving the man I love and who made love lovable was the most painful of all. I loved you so much that I couldn't find a moment not to cry my self and the dreams I dreamt of us together is now just a fading hope or a dream in the eyes of lover. Even though you knew that my days were numbers,you held my hand as before and every time I saw that you still loved me in the same degree and will not leave my side till I leave this world.
I wanted to live for you and only for you. I want to be in your arms in the night and lock my self in your embrace till I fall asleep quietly on your chest. I want to live to enjoy the meaning of life and living in the way you taught me. I want to live to fulfill all our dreams and reach all goals we desired and yet I want to live to keep looking at you for the rest of my life. I want to live to love you and to care forall your needs. I want to live to feel and touch your love in a way that I never experienced before. Finally I want to live to be your life partner and to be your guiding star at the moments of weakness.
Ohhh Lord, how I want to live ......
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 6:22 PM,