A dark corner
Monday, January 12, 2015
It's strange that my words have gone silent and my emotions feel empty for you. No more long love notes or burning desires to be with you or the sweet magical kisses and those stolen moments of love. I feel I have loved some one who never valued my love or respected my feelings and in all those long moments, have just ended up being a far away memory.
Your existence in my life is a mixture of unexplained feelings and emotions and with a broken heart, I realized now that it was me who held for so long when you have already left my life. I held on because I loved you but I never realized that you were not who I deserved. I loved all of you and all of your imperfections and I loved you without boundaries and without expectations. You failed to understand this innocent love of mine or my feelings towards you.
Your actions and words kept pushing me to a corner which I slowly realized was lonely, dark and broken, a place where you don't exist, a corner where I began to find peace and less hurt. A corner which I felt was mine. A corner where pain was less and tears didn't flow as rapidly as it did. Looking back now I have understood that you were a season and a lesson both. For a short time you gave me a beautiful love to dwell on and memories to take a life time and period to smile. but above all you taught me that only few people will love you back the way you love them and only few would understand that and only some one who really loved would never let go of you, no matter how hard the situation is......
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 9:50 AM,