Gifted love
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
As my eyes flooded with tears, which bled from my heart, burning my cheeks with being helpless of my own self. It was a moment I needed you and your love and with out a single call you heard my pledge and answered my silent call.
There's no where in the world I would feel safe, than in your arms and without a word you took me into your soul. You embraced me with all your love and caress me with your soothing words. Wiping my hot downpour of tears with the gentle strokes of your finger tips making my feelings console in your presence.
Your kisses on my forehead, with words of strength you gently whispered, led me to the path of recovery. You let me tears run as I wanted, but held me strong in your love making me believe in my own strength.
It is not always we are gifted with such love and you are a gift from above to help me to be who I am. Entering you into my life have bought so much joy but above all you have touched all the simple corners of my life in a profound way that I never knew even existed.
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 12:06 PM,
Endless love
Monday, September 15, 2014
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Memories, feelings and escapades of love and all moments beautifully wrapped in emotions of my undying love for you, A love unique, a love so pure and a love that exist beyond norm.
Memories, feelings and escapades of love and all moments beautifully wrapped in emotions of my undying love for you, A love unique, a love so pure and a love that exist beyond norm.
A stranger who just walked into my life has become MY LIFE and a world beyond you has become unimaginable. It's been a long short journey with you and a blend of mixed heart felt emotions. As my eyes descend into empty space I see you, looking at me smiling......How I love that enchanting smile of yours which has unique power to melt every single bone of my soul. Your kisses on my naked skin has awaken all my deepest desires and your touch has caress all of my deepest wounds. All my scars have been healed by your kisses and have enlighten my whole being with your love.
Endless of times I have wanted to reach for you, to be with you and to share all of me with all of cuddle my self in your warmth and to explore every thing of you and us together. Many times I wanted to get my self lost in your eyes, which pour so much love and to hide my self in your soul. I yarn to be in your arms to feel the heat of magical kisses on my forehead, to listen to our love songs and to enjoy the long lost stolen moments but above all I want to hold you for rest of my life to enjoy all life's little moments and mostly to love you till my last breath.
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 12:56 PM,