The smiles you bring
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
My heart stopped the moment I saw you, it just stopped beating. And for the first time in my life I had that feeling. The feeling of love....Like the world is moving around me, beneath me and all inside me. I felt like I was floating, floating in the midair and the only thing which is keeping me from drifting away is You. The kindness in your eyes and the beauty of your smile would keep me locked in your love for ever.
You came into my life when I least expect and you were the beautiful gift I ever came across. Every single being of me kept wanting you and your love made me feel complete in every way. We laughed together, cried together and smiled together and we suffered for each other until we became each others strength and comfort from the storm of life. At the same time they stir the deepest, darkest desires in each other. For me, love is not a simple union of two people but a mutual gift of two free beings of all that they are. You became all me and together we bonded from body, heart and soul.
You are a every day joy for me and weather it's smiles or tears I promise never to be apart from you. In every breath of mine you live and in every vain of my body your love have left it's uniqueness and in my heart it is filled with nothing but from all your love. As your simple breaths touch the tips of my lips and as your fingers strongly en witted with mine and your sweet kisses touch the corners of my shoulder, I couldn't resist being yours and only yours.
The simple gesture of love you perfectly surround me with, the loving ways you wrapped me with and the daily smiles you bring to my heart is all I ever wanted. The smiles you see in me are the smiles you give me and I love you for loving me. Thank you for the smiles and thank you for making me happy.......
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 10:30 AM,