As years gone by
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
As the dim rays of moon angel and the twinkles of little stars above with the gentle breeze silently swipes in, was a rare moment and it was after a long time that you laid your head on my chest softly for a endless of time. As my fingers played with your soft curls and echos of your simple breaths as we shared a perfect silence. It was a long silence of love and every second was a memory of our journey together.
After a long time I watched you sleeping in peace, arms wrapped around me and every single breath was warmth to my skin. Years have gone by with out notice and after a very long time I watched you closely. As my eyes wandered through your face noticing the little wrinkles which has taken it's place with out my notice and the little grey hairs have taken a full toll......Was life busy for me to notice, I wondered now.
As my fingers played with your hair, my thoughts were carried down the memory lane and how much have changed through the years. It's true that we were never the perfect couple but with our imperfections we began to find our own selves and above all we learnt to love each other. There were many times we hit the bottom, yet together we manage to stumble up stronger and together. Marriage is not running out when the going gets tough, it's about hanging on and facing the storm and I'm glad that we did that together.
Though years have gone and we both wrinkled down, I still see the spark in your eyes and still feel your love to me. Little kisses are a gentle reminder that I'm still yours and you, mine. All the years were precious and all moments were dearly held in heart. Every pitfall was over strength and every smile was our blessings. We have crossed many hurdles and yet many more to come and together, I know we can.
As I smiled looking at you and holding you, I don't regret being with you and loving you. I still love the little cuddles you embrace me with and the little whispers which you silently moans into my ear. I love the way you hold my hand and little secret kisses we steal time to time have become my favorites. This long journey may have more hurdles for us and with you I am stronger to face them and may we have more blissful years to come ..........
posted by Sajini Lakshika Chandrasekera @ 12:06 PM,
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